Latin name: Syringa reticulata
Common name: Japanese tree lilac
Abbr: Sre
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Fontanesieae/Fontanesia
References : NCBI:txid126367
Introduction: Deciduous shrub or small tree, stiff spreading branches, 20-30 ft (6-9 m) high; bark smooth with prominent horizontal lenticels. Leaves simple, opposite, broad-ovate to ovate, 5-15 cm long, about half as wide, dark green above and grayish green and reticulate below. Flowers white, in large clusters, showy; fragrance similar to that of privet flowers. Fruit (capsule) warty, dry, oblong or ovoid, 2 cm long, green then yellow.
Distribution: Native to Japan.
Information sources: Oregon State University