
Latin name: Schrebera alata

Common name: wild jasmine

Abbr: Sal

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Schrebera

References : NCBI:txid126566


Introduction: Schrebera alata is a quick-growing evergreen tree or shrub, 4-15 m high, with a greyish or light brown bark. The leaves are opposite and pinnately compound with few leaflet pairs and a single terminal one. The petiole and rachis are narrowly winged. The leaves are shiny dark green above, paler beneath and smooth or velvety when young. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and white to pink, with reddish brown hairs near the mouth of the corolla tube. They are sweet-scented (the fragrance is stronger in the evening), and arranged in terminal clusters up to 110 mm long. Flowering time is September - May.

Distribution: Africa

Information sources: PlantZAfrica