Latin name: Olea yuennanensis
Common name: ---
Abbr: Oyu
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Fontanesieae/Olea
References : NCBI:txid764602
Introduction: Shrub or tree 1–12m. Branchlets with some fine hairs. Leaves evergreen and leathery, (3–)5–7(–10) × 1.2–4.5cm, elliptic to oblanceolate, glabrous, secondary veins sunken or obscure, six on each side of the midrib, margins entire or with sharp teeth 0.5–1mm long, apex acute or rarely obtuse; petiole 0.3–0.7cm long with fine hairs. Inflorescences axillary and paniculate, flowers in groups 2–4cm long, glabrous or with sparse hairs. Flowers staminate or hermaphrodite; calyx with four triangular lobes, ciliate; corolla white or creamy yellow, tube 0.1–0.3cm long. Drupe black and slightly fleshy, 0.7–1cm long. Flowering February to November fruiting May to December (China).
Distribution: CHINA: Sichuan, Yunnan
Information sources: Trees and Shrubs Online