Latin name: Noronhia tetrandra
Common name: Tetrandra Noronhia Plant
Abbr: Nte
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Noronhia
References : NCBI:txid1345076
Introduction: Noronhia tetrandra (also called the Four-Stamened Noronhia, among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree native to the tropical forests of Madagascar. It has a rounded crown, with leaves that are oval-shaped and have a pointed tip. It is found in humid forests, as well as in dry deciduous forests.Noronhia tetrandra has small, white flowers with a diameter of about 2 cm. The seeds are small, brown and round. The seedlings have two cotyledons and are about 1 cm tall.
Distribution: Native to the tropical forests of Madagascar.
Information sources: Selina Wamucii