
Latin name: Notelaea longifolia

Common name: Large Mock-olive

Abbr: Nlo

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Notelaea

References : NCBI:txid126547


Introduction: Tree or shrub to about 9 m high. Fruit fleshy. Bark grey to greyish brown, hard, fissured and scaly in larger trees. Branchlets grey or brown, usually with conspicuous white lenticels, sparsely hairy, soon becoming hairless. Buds at the bases of the leaves 2–4, pointed, hairless or hairy. Leaves opposite each other, 3.5–16 cm long, 10–56 mm wide, variable in size and shape, tips pointed or sometimes blunt, upper surface dark green, lower surface pale, texture stiff, veins on the upper surface conspicuous. Flowers with 4 cream to green or pale yellow petals 1.5–2.5 mm long, more or less free from each other except joined in 2 pairs at the base. Flower clusters 5–13-flowered. Flowering: April–October. Fruit bluish black when ripe, only a little longer than broad, 10–16 mm long.

Distribution: Australia

Information sources: Lucid Apps