
Latin name: Ligustrum obtusifolium

Common name: border privet

Abbr: Lob

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Ligustrum

References : NCBI:txid178760


Introduction: Ligustrum obtusifolium, commonly called border privet, is a fast-growing, deciduous shrub that typically grows 10-12’ tall but spreads to 15’ wide with dense, often arching, horizontal branching. It is winter hardy to USDA Zone 3, and is perhaps the most commonly grown privet in northern parts of the U. S. Elliptic to oblong-obovate, glossy, dark green leaves (to 2.5” long) have hairy midribs beneath. Leaves may acquire attractive purple tones in fall. Small, tubular, white flowers in nodding panicles (to 1.5” long) bloom at stem tips in June. Flowers are fragrant, but are considered by many to have an unpleasant aroma. Flowers give way to globe-shaped drupes which ripen to dull black in fall and persist into winter.

Distribution: Native to Japan, Korea, China.