Latin name: Ligustrum australianum
Common name: ---
Abbr: Lau
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Ligustrum
References : NCBI:txid1382069
Introduction: Lateral veins forming loops inside the blade margin. Leaf bearing twigs rather slender, about 1-2 mm diam. Pale coloured lenticels usually visible on the twigs. Leaf blades about 4-9 x 1.6-4 cm. Reduced leaves (resembling stipules) may be visible on the new growth.Flowers:Calyx about 1 mm long, the lobes inconspicuous. Corolla about 4-5 mm long, the lobes about the same length as the corolla tube. Stamens not exceeding the corolla. Ovules pendulous, 2 per locule. Stigmas projecting beyond the corolla tube.Fruits globular, about 6-7 mm diam.Seedlings:Cotyledons broadly elliptic to orbicular, about 10-15 x 7-15 mm. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade ovate, about 15-20 mm long, glabrous on the upper surface. Seed germination time 14 to 38 days.
Distribution: Native to the Queensland.
Information sources: Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants