Latin name: Jasminum abyssinicum
Common name: Abyssinian Jasmine
Abbr: Jab
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Jasmineae/Jasminum
References : NCBI:txid210360
Introduction: Jasminum abyssinicum is a strong to slender woody climber in high-altitude montane forests, climbing into the forest canopy which stems that can be robust up to 13 cm in diameter. The leaves are opposite, trifoliolate; leaflets are broadly ovate with a distinct driptip, dark glossy green above, hairless except for pockets of hairs in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are produced at the ends twigs or in axils of leaves. The flowers are white, tinged with pink on the outside, sweetly scented with a corolla with 5 or sometimes 6 elliptic lobes. The fruits are a single- or bi-lobed berry 7 mm long, fleshy, glossy black.
Distribution: Native to Africa.
Information sources: Wikipedia