
Latin name: Forsythia ovata

Common name: Korean Forsythia

Abbr: Fov

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Forsythieae/Forsythia

References : NCBI:txid205694


Introduction: A dense, spreading shrub to c. 1.5 m tall. Twigs glabrous, terete, pale grey-grown; pith chambered. Leaves 4–9 × 3–6 cm, suborbicular to ovate, shortly acuminate, base rounded or slightly cordate; margin coarsely toothed to nearly entire; both sides glabrous; petiole 6–12 mm. Flowers usually carried singly from each leaf-scar in early spring. Calyx with broadly ovate lobes sometimes as long as the corolla tube. Corolla bright yellow, small (c. 2 cm wide). Fruit c. 12 mm long, ovoid, long-pointed.

Distribution: Native to North Korea and South Korea.

Information sources: Trees and Shrubs Online