Latin name: Fraxinus berlandieriana
Common name: Berlandier Ash
Abbr: Fbe
Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Fraxinus
References : NCBI:txid490835
Introduction: A medium-sized tree to 40 feet tall and a trunk to 2 feet in diameter, with a broad, densely-branched, rounded crown and branches that tend to droop towards the ground.Leaf:Opposite, compound, 6" to 10" long, with the 5 (sometimes 3 or 7) leaflets arranged pinnately; the stalked leaflets are lanceolate, 3" to 4" long, and sometimes have coarse or remote teeth along the margins, especially on the upper half. Leaf color is medium green above, somewhat glossy, and light green underneath.Flower:Male and female flowers borne on separate trees (dioecious). Female flowers in loose clusters appearing with the new leaves; male flowers appear as dark clusters around the twigs, often before the leaves.Fruit:A cluster of slender, tan, winged seeds, each 1" to 1.5" long and 0.25" wide, wing flattened, enclosing a pointed, cylindrical seed.Bark:Gray to tan, breaking into narrow, interwoven ridges and fissures that get more pronounced with age.
Distribution: Native to South Texas.
Information sources: TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE