
Latin name: Forestiera angustifolia

Common name: ---

Abbr: Fan

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Oleeae/Forestiera

References : NCBI:txid389174

Chromosome number: 2n=2X=46

Genome size: 754.6mb


Introduction: Narrow-leaf forestiera is an evergreen shrub with stiff, dense branches that come off the stems at a 90 degree angle, forming elbows. The dense, dark green, linear leaves are about 3/4 inch long. Elbow bush is a useful plant for sunny, dry sites, or windy and saline locations. Male and female flowers are produced on separate plants, and appear before the leaves in early spring, followed by a dark purple, one-seeded berry.

Distribution: It grows in the central, western and southern parts of Texas, and on the Rio Grande Plains in mixed-brush coastal areas or open woodlands, on dry, limey, well-drained soils.

Information sources: Texas Native Plants Database