
Latin name: Chrysojasminum floridum

Common name: Flowering Jasmine

Abbr: Cfl

Taxonomy: Oleaceae/Jasmineae/Chrysojasminum

References : NCBI:txid485365


Introduction: Flowering Jasmine is a showy, semi-evergreen shrub that grows up to 5' and is dense and fountain-like. This plant blooms in early summer and sporadically into fall. It is easily separated from J. nudiflorum because leaves are alternate. Jasminum floridum roots easily where arching branches touch the soil. Its cane-like growth can rapidly create colonies, which can cause the plant to look messy if not pruned. It is commonly planted on slopes, in raised planters, in foundations, as a specimen, and on overhanging walls. This plant is drought-tolerant, tolerant of partial shade, does well in sterile soils (good in clear-cut areas), has a rapid growth rate, and has no serious pest or disease problems. Its form is a mass of slender, arching green stems, haystack, and weeping.

Distribution: Native to China.

Information sources: Plant Detail